Jurassic World Policies and Procedures (Film Universe)

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The Jurassic World Policies and Procedures were a series of rules and guidelines governing both staff and visitors of Jurassic World.


Live Ammunitions

A.C.U. are permitted to use live ammunition in an emergency situation. This policy was suggested by Owen Grady during the Jurassic World Incident following the A.C.U. massacre whilst attempting to re-secure the Indominus Rex. Operations Manager Claire Dearing was resistant to the idea stating that she did not want to turn Jurassic World "into a war zone". The rule was later brought into effect by A.C.U. under the order of Simon Masrani who had them mount their M134 onto Jurassic One and attempt to kill the Indominus from the skies. This proved unsuccessful and result in the deaths of Masrani and two A.C.U. Troopers.


Asset Out of Containment


Phase 1

Phase 2