Template:Infobox website/doc

From Jurassic Outpost Encyclopedia
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Web addresswww.example.com
Type of site
Available in{{{language}}}
Content license
Written in{{{programming_language}}}
Created by{{{author}}}
Alexa rank
Increase / Steady / Decrease ## (US/Global MM/YYYY)
IP address{{{ip}}}
  1. REDIRECT Template:ISSN link
Template:R from move
OCLC number{{{oclc}}}
Current status{{{current_status}}}


{{Infobox website
| name               = 
| logo               = 
| logo_size          = <!-- defaults to 250px -->
| logo_alt           = 
| logo_caption       = <!-- or: | logocaption =  -->
| screenshot         = 
| collapsible        = <!-- set as "on", "y", etc, otherwise omit/leave blank -->
| collapsetext       = <!-- collapsible area's heading (default "Screenshot"); omit/leave blank if collapsible not set -->
| background         = <!-- for collapsetext heading; default grey (gainsboro) -->
| screenshot_size    = <!-- default 300px -->
| screenshot_alt     = 
| caption            = 
| url                = <!-- {{URL|www.example.com}} -->
| slogan             = 
| commercial         = <!-- "Yes", "No" or leave blank -->
| type               = 
| registration       = 
| language           = 
| num_users          = 
| content_license    = <!-- or: | content_licence = -->
| programming_language = 
| owner              = <!-- or: | owners = -->
| author             = <!-- or: creator / authors / creators -->
| editor             = <!-- or: | editors = -->
| launch_date        = <!-- {{start date and age|YYYY|MM|DD|df=yes/no}} -->
| revenue            = 
| alexa              = <!-- {{increase}} {{steady}} {{decrease}} [http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/example.com ##] (US/Global MM/YYYY) -->
| ip                 = 
| issn               = <!-- ISSN, e.g. 1085-6706 (automatically linked to http://www.WorldCat.org) -->
| oclc               = <!-- OCLC number, useful where an ISSN has not been allocated (automatically linked to http://www.WorldCat.org) -->
| current_status     = 
| footnotes          = 


All parameters are optional. Avoid linking to an article more than once within the infobox.

<templatedata> { "description": "An infobox for articles about website", "params": { "logo": { "description": "The website logo.", "label": "Logo" }, "logo_caption": { "description": "Caption for the logo.", "label": "Logo caption" }, "screenshot": { "description": "A screen photo of the homepage; see: Example 1.", "label": "Screenshot" }, "collapsible": { "description": "Whether the screenshot should be collapsed / visible at page load. (Yes / No)", "label": "Collapsible" }, "collapsetext": { "description": "Text for the header of the collapsed section, defaults to Screenshot.", "label": "Collapse text" }, "caption": { "description": "Caption saying screenshot of <website name> as of <date>.", "label": "Caption" }, "url": { "description": "The canonical URL of the website's home page meeting WP:ELOFFICIAL", "label": "URL" }, "slogan": { "description": "The slogan of the website.", "label": "Slogan" }, "commercial": { "description": "Is the site commercially run / owned? (Yes / No)", "label": "Commercial" }, "type": { "description": "The type of website.", "label": "Type" }, "registration": { "description": "Is there registration? (None / Optional / Required)", "label": "Registration" }, "language": { "description": "The language(s) the website is available in.", "label": "Language" }, "num_users": { "description": "The number of registered users the website has.", "label": "Num users" }, "content_license": { "description": "The license of the content of the site. Works same as content_licence.", "label": "Content license" }, "content_licence": { "description": "The license of the content of the site. Works same as content_license.", "label": "Content licence" }, "programming language": { "description": "Programming language written or coding done for the website.", "label": "Programming language" }, "owner": { "description": "The current owner, company name / persons name / alias, etc.", "label": "Owner" }, "author": { "description": "The person or entity that writes for the website.", "label": "Author" }, "editor": { "description": "The person or entity that edits the website.", "label": "Editor" }, "launch_date": { "description": "When the website was launched, check the WHOIS database, if needed.", "label": "Launch date" }, "revenue": { "description": "The approximate revenue of the site.", "label": "Revenue" }, "alexa": { "description": "The website's current Alexa ranking (find on Alexa.com; make sure to cite Alexa's page for this info.)", "label": "Alexa" }, "ip": { "description": "The website's IP address", "label": "IP address" }, "issn": { "description": "The website's ISSN, e.g. 1085-6706 (automatically linked to http://www.WorldCat.org)", "label": "ISSN" }, "oclc": { "description": "The website's OCLC number", "label": "OCLC" }, "current_status": { "description": "The website's current status", "label": "Current status" }, "footnotes": { "description": "Footnotes", "label": "Footnotes" } }, "format": "block" } </templatedata>


A white sphere made of large jigsaw pieces. Letters from several alphabets are shown on the pieces.
Wikipedia wordmark
Wikipedia's logo is a globe featuring glyphs from several writing systems.
Web addresswww.wikipedia.org
Slogan"The Free Encyclopedia"
Type of site
Internet encyclopedia
RegistrationOptional, but is required for certain tasks such as editing protected pages, creating pages in English Wikipedia and uploading files
Available in275 active editions (285 total)
Users35 milliona
Content license
OwnerWikimedia Foundation
Created by
LaunchedJanuary 15, 2001; 24 years ago (2001-01-15)
Alexa rank
Steady 6 (Global, January 2014)
IP address208.80.154.224
Current statusOnline
  • a Total registration across all editions (June 2012).[2]
  • b Most text also dual-licensed under GFDL.
{{Infobox website
| name = Wikipedia
| logo = [[File:Wikipedia-v2-logo.svg|frameless|150px|alt=A white sphere made of large jigsaw pieces. Letters from several alphabets are shown on the pieces.]]<br/>[[File:Wikipedia wordmark.svg|150px|Wikipedia wordmark]]
| logocaption = {{longitem|style=padding-top:0.4em; |[[Logo of Wikipedia|Wikipedia's logo]] is a globe featuring [[glyph]]s from several writing systems.}}
| screenshot = [[File:Www.wikipedia.org screenshot 2013.png|border|300px|alt=Wikipedia's homepage with links to many languages.]]
| collapsible = yes
| caption = Screenshot of Wikipedia's multilingual portal.
| url = {{URL|http://www.wikipedia.org}}
| slogan = "The Free Encyclopedia"
| commercial = No
| type = [[Internet encyclopedia]]
| registration = {{nowrap|Optional, but is required for certain}} tasks such as editing protected pages, creating pages in English Wikipedia and uploading files
| language = 275 active editions (285 total)
| num_users = 35 million{{padlsup|a}}
| content_license =
* {{longitem|class=nowrap |[[Creative Commons licenses|Creative Commons<br/>Attribution{{\}}Share-Alike]] 3.0{{padlsup|b}} }}
* Media licensing varies
| owner = [[Wikimedia Foundation]]
| author = {{hlist |[[Jimmy Wales]] |[[Larry Sanger]]<ref name="Sidener">{{cite news |first=Jonathan |last=Sidener |title=Wikipedia co-founder looks to add accountability, end anarchy |url=http://www.signonsandiego.com/uniontrib/20060923/news_lz1n23wiki.html |publisher=[[The San Diego Union-Tribune]] |date=September 23, 2006 |accessdate=2007-03-25 |quote=The origins of Wikipedia date to 2000, when Sanger was finishing his doctoral thesis in philosophy and had an idea for a Web site.}}</ref><!--end hlist:-->}}
| launch date = {{nowrap|{{start date and years ago|mf=yes|2001|1|15}}}}
| current_status = Online
| alexa = {{steady}} [http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/wikipedia.org 6] {{small|{{nowrap|(Global, January 2014)}}}}
| ip =
| footnotes = <div class="plainlist" style="border-top:1px solid #aaa;padding-top:0.3em;text-align:left;">
* {{nowrap |{{sup|a}} Total registration across all editions (June 2012).<ref>[[meta:List of Wikipedias#Grand Total|Grand Total]]. Wikimedia. June 10, 2012. Retrieved June 11, 2012.</ref>}}
* {{sup|b}} Most text also dual-licensed under [[GFDL]].

See also


  1. Sidener, Jonathan (September 23, 2006). "Wikipedia co-founder looks to add accountability, end anarchy". The San Diego Union-Tribune. Retrieved 2007-03-25. The origins of Wikipedia date to 2000, when Sanger was finishing his doctoral thesis in philosophy and had an idea for a Web site. 
  2. Grand Total. Wikimedia. June 10, 2012. Retrieved June 11, 2012.