Blue (Film Universe)

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Blue, the oldest member of the raptor pack, was the first project I.B.R.I.S. raptor born in 2012. Blue and Owen have the closest bond, however she also is the most independent of the raptor pack, and the others look to her for leadership. To help maintain his dominance as the 'Alpha' of the pack Owen consistently feeds her last. Even so, Blue constantly challenges Owens authority when given the chance.

Blue is fiercely loyal to her packmates, and is the Alpha when Owen is not present. Perhaps is the most cunning raptor of the pack, which also makes her the most dangerous. While she has a respect for Owen Grady, she saw him as an outsider of the pack until the fateful encounter on mainstreet. When Owen unleashed her harness, she finally accepted him as a true member of the pack, which led to Delta and Charlie accepting him as well. Prior to this, the pack temporarily accepted the Indominus Rex as their Alpha.

Blue is a uniquely modified V.1.5 raptor, infused with DNA from a Black-Throated African Monitor Lizard.

Appearance and Physical Attributes