Research Policy
Quality and Format
Media should always source the highest quality available. Many content management platforms will display images in a lower resolution to improve performance. Always check the URL before downloading the image. On non-unique images, a reverse image search should always be undertaken before media is uploaded to the Encyclopedia.
All online media should be uploaded in its original format, except where it is necessary to perform corrections (ie. images that have been flipped/mirrored), or to improve how they are displayed (ie. separating collages, removing unnecessary borders).
Offline media, such as scans, should attempt to match the DPI of the source material as best as possible.
Wherever possible media should be sourced online, preferably back to the top level (ie. the studio or creator of the image). Offline media should be sourced as specifically as possible, should the need to resource occur.
The following table highlights acceptable platforms from which we can acquire media and considerations you should take. Please note, it is not exhaustive and good judgment should be used.