Jurassic Park III (2001 Film)/Post-Production

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Visual Effects

Approximately 400 VFX shots were planned, with about half of these involving 3D CG elements.

VFX Shots

Sequence Shot ID Storyboard Description Thumb
Plane Crash PC33 The Spino steps on the fuselage.
PC50 The group flees the fuselage.
Spino Chase SC1 The Spino chases the group through a clearing.
Dino Fight DF1 The Rex chases the group.
DF9 The Spino grabs the Rex by the neck.
DF10 The Spino's tail knocks down a tree.
InGen Foyer IF4 A raptor stalks the group from outside the lobby.
Dino Kennels DK3 The Raptor forces the gate open.
Raptors Herd RH3 The group escapes into the herd.
RH5 The Raptors sprint towards the herd.
RH14 Close up of Grant as the herd passes around him.
Udesky Kill UK15B The raptors snap at Amanda.
UK15C Amanda dangles precariously as the raptors leap at her.
UK15D The raptors snap inches from Amanda's face.
UK15E The raptors back off.
UK18 The Raptor jumps through the tree at Grant
UK19 Another Raptor joins
UK21 The Raptors circle Grant
UK25 The raptors communicate
Spino Fence SF4 The Spino chases Eric and Grant along the fence.
SF6 Eric and Grant dive through a gap in the fence.
SF7 The Spino roars from behind the fence.
SF9 The Spino smashes through the fence.
SF13 The group shut the doors as the Spino charges towards them.
Aviary AV5 The Pteranodon snatches Eric off of the catwalk.
AV6 The Pteranodon flies off with Eric.
AV7 The Pteranodon carries Eric.
AV12 Eric throws a skull at the baby Pteranodons.
AV105A Eric sees approaching Pteranodons.
AV105B The Pteranodons fly past Eric and Billy.
AV107 Grant kicks the Pteranodon.
AV116 The enclosed catwalk falls onto the Pteranodon.
AV126 The Pteranodons circle Billy hanging from the cliff.
AV139 The Pteranodon picks Billy up and drops him back into the river.
AV145A The Pteranodons peck at Billy as he is carried away by the river.
AV150 The Pteranodon slams into the Aviary mesh.
Spino Boat SB28 The Spino attacks the crane as Grant swims to shore.
Ending Raptors ER8 The Raptors circle the group.
ER9 The alpha Raptor approaches Amanda.
ER16 The alpha Raptor barks at a subordinate.
Dino Valley DV2 The Ankylosauruses cross the river ahead.